Ryanair has canceled your flight – what now?

Ryanair has canceled around 600 flights because of their cabin crew strike in Belgium, Spain and Portugal. If your flight was canceled too you have, under some terms, the right to compensation.

Passengers can claim damages for canceled or delayed flight:

– 250 € for all flights of 1.500 km or less;

– 400 € for all intra-Community flights of more than 1.500 and less than 3.500 km;

– 600 € for other flights.

However, the passengers are not entitled to compensations if the flight is being canceled or delayed because of extraordinary circumstances which could not be avoided. Strike can be one of those extraordinary events. British Civil Aviation Authority has made a statement that this Ryanair strike is not an extraordinary event and could be prevented, therefore the passengers are entitled to claim compensation.

We advise passengers to save all evidence of canceled or delayed flight and claim for compensation.

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