Passengers of delayed flight are entitled to compensation

Passengers of delayed flight are entitled to compensation

When we travel with an airplane, for business or for pleasure, unpleasant events can happen, such as lost luggage, delayed or cancelled flight. This is why it is important to know our air passenger rights. In this article we will advise you what should you do when your flight is delayed and what rights do you have under Regulation 261/2004.

So what is a delayed flight?

Delayed flight is a flight where passengers arrive to their destination three or more hours later as expected.

When the operating carrier is expected to have delay he must offer you:

  • food and beverage,
  • 2 free phone calls or free access to e-mail,
  • free accommodation and a transport between the airport and accommodation for overnight flight delays.

When are you entitled to compensation?

The EU Regulation 261/2004 provides air passengers the right to flat-rate compensation from 250 € and 600 €. But you are not entitled to compensation if the flight was cancelled or delayed due to unexpected circumstances, such as weather conditions.

 Distance of flight Flight delay Your Rights
Less than 1.500 km More than 3 hours Food and beverage, two free phone calls, two free e-mails of fax messages.

Compensation  250,00 €

between 1.500 and 3.500 km More than 3 hours Food and beverage, two free phone calls, two free e-mails of fax messages.

Compensation  400,00 €

More than 3.500 km More than 4 hours Food and beverage, two free phone calls, two free e-mails of fax messages.

Compensation  600,00 €

How to claim you rights?

It is the best if you file a complaint at an airport were the flight delay or cancellation occurred. Later you can file a complaint at an air carrier.

For more information, call us on +386 41 679 725 or find us on Viber and WhatsApp. You can also connect with us on email:

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